


According to a survey conducted by the mobility organization VAB, the number of holidaymakers from Flanders has seen a significant increase this year compared to 2023, with France

retaining its position as the leading foreign destination.

The survey, which polled over 2,000 respondents, revealed that 74 percent of them are planning to travel in 2024, marking a 10 percent rise from the previous year. Moreover, 62 percent stated their intention to travel multiple times, a notable increase from last year's 42 percent.

Only 7 percent of respondents indicated that they definitely will not go on holiday, a decrease from the 21 percent recorded last year, while 19 percent remained undecided.

The survey also found that nine out of ten respondents plan to spend their holiday abroad. Despite a slight decrease in popularity attributed to the Olympic Games, France maintains its position as the top destination. Spain and Italy follow closely behind, with Austria gaining popularity as well.

Similarly to last year, the Belgian coast remains the preferred domestic destination, followed by the Ardennes. Photo by Tizianok, Wikimedia commons.