

About Us

The European Morning Post is founded by a group of journalists who have covered Belgian, Poland and European Union news and EU authorities over the years. The publication was created in 2014 and is led by Stavros Koronopoulous, an editor.

It is an independent online publication devoted to the improvement of Europe based on the traditions of democracy, gender equality, races, and nationalities. Now, the daily informs the residents of Brussels, Belgium and the European Union on the latest news of political, economic and cultural life.

The European Morning Post is a credible and reliable source of information, and its articles are reprinted by numerous agencies, media outlets, and news aggregators, including including Google.news. 

The owner of the media since 2017 has been the company Silver Lion ltd.

The European Morning Post has got a vast network of correspondents and experts covering issues related to the life of the 27 countries of the European Union, sufficiently responding to challenges such as disinformation, extremism, the strengthening of right-wing ideologies and other threats to modern European democracy deeply and on time. 


The European Morning Post, ul., Wincentego Rzymowskiego 53, 02-697 Warszawa, 

e-mail: EUMorningpost1@gmail.com 


The European Morning Post, Rue des Colonies 11, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

e-mail: EUMorningpost@gmail.com 


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