




Finland and Sweden, known for their strict alcohol regulations, are taking steps to relax certain restrictions while keeping state control intact.


A recent study conducted by Kieskompas and the news agency ANP reveals that six out of every ten people in the Netherlands believe that the production, supply, and sale of marijuana and


On April 1, 2024, the cost of a pack of cigarettes surged to €11, marking an increase of nearly one euro. This hike is part of the government's ongoing efforts to deter smoking.


The Netherlands is facing a concerning trend as more than half of its adult population is now deemed overweight, with 16% classified as clinically obese, according to the national statistics


While toys on the European market are generally regarded as some of the safest worldwide, the occasional presence of hazardous items underscores the need for

A recent study by the regional ambulance organization and the public safety institute VeiligheidNL reveals that slightly over 50% of the 5,000 victims of traffic accidents in Amsterdam are


On January 14, 2024, data released by the Justice Ministry in Belgium revealed a notable increase in the number of gender registration changes. A total of 633 individuals in the country

Kraków, a city often linked to toxic smog, has made a remarkable transformation, claiming the title for the world's cleanest urban air, as per IQ Air's latest global city rankings.


The civil court in Mechelen has issued a verdict against De Lijn, the Flemish public transport operator, for engaging in systematic discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Following a

The University of Antwerp is spearheading the most extensive citizen survey ever conducted on sound levels in Flanders. Commencing this Tuesday, The Great Sound Survey invites individuals