



The European Union's total aid to Ukraine has now reached $131 billion, including $48.4 billion in military support, according to EU Commission Vice President

Valdis Dombrovskis.

The scale of support for Ukraine was highlighted during the General Assembly of the European Parliament, which convened after the 2024-2029 legislative term elections held in June.

In his address, Dombrovskis emphasized the ongoing need for urgent military assistance for Ukraine to defend itself against Russian aggression. He reaffirmed that the EU will continue to back Ukraine both militarily and financially, while warning that the upcoming winter "will not be easy" as Russia continues to target Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

Dombrovskis further noted that the total aid provided by the EU and its member states to Ukraine has reached approximately €118 billion, of which €43.5 billion is designated for military aid.

He also announced that the EU aims to train an additional 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers by the end of winter, bringing the total number of Ukrainian troops trained within the EU to 75,000.