



Germany's economic competitiveness needs to become a top political priority, as concerns about the country’s economic future are leading citizens to seek political

alternatives, Finance Minister Christian Lindner emphasized on Monday.

Speaking at an event in Berlin, Lindner stressed that Germany requires a more growth-focused policy, noting the country’s slip in international competitiveness rankings—from 6th place a decade ago to 22nd in 2023.

In July, the cabinet approved a package of measures aimed at stimulating the economy and boosting growth by over half a percentage point by 2025. However, Lindner described the package as merely a “first step,” cautioning that corporate taxes and energy costs would remain too high, and excessive bureaucracy would continue to be an issue even after its implementation.

“No one can afford to rest on their laurels after this,” Lindner remarked, urging ongoing reforms.

The growth package still requires approval from both the upper and lower houses of parliament later this year, and Lindner called for swift passage without modifications. “The growth initiative must be passed quickly and without changes,” he said, adding, "We have already lost too much time." Photo by Martin Rulsch, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia commons.