


The European Union has agreed to allocate 1.4 billion euros in profits from Russian frozen assets for arms and other aid to Ukraine. This decision, announced on Monday, bypasses objections

from Hungary, which has maintained close relations with Moscow and accused the bloc of breaching rules to circumvent its objections.

In May, EU member states decided to use profits from Russian frozen assets to support Ukraine, particularly with military aid. However, Hungary had been blocking the approval of necessary measures. Since then, the EU's legal department has been working on a way to unlock the funds without requiring Hungary's consent. On Monday, the EU agreed to release the first tranche of funds worth 1.4 billion euros, sidestepping Hungary's blockade.

The 1.4 billion euros in windfall profits are expected to be available in the coming month, with an additional 1 billion euros anticipated by the end of the year. These funds will be used to assist Kyiv with air defense, ammunition, and support for the Ukrainian industry, according to EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell. Despite Hungary abstaining from an earlier vote on the issue, it was not given a veto, leading to frustration in Budapest.

"By completely ignoring European rules, Hungary was quite simply left out of the decision-making process," said Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto. "This is a clear red line. Never before has such shameless disregard for common European rules been shown."

Monday’s decision is likely to be welcomed by Kyiv. However, Hungary continues to block the payment of an additional 6.6 billion euros intended to help arm Ukraine. The EU's disbursement of money generated from frozen funds follows the G7's agreement on a plan to provide Ukraine with a $50 billion loan backed by these assets.