

Serbia's President, Aleksandar Vucic, stated in a recent interview on the TV show Ćirilica that his country will not accept Kosovo's membership in NATO and will not recognize Kosovo in any

manner. Vucic also shared his doubts about any progress being made in the upcoming Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and expressed his belief that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti would not be forming the Serbian Municipalities Association.

Furthermore, Vucic reiterated his negative opinion about the European proposal for the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, but emphasized that Serbia must continue to participate in the negotiation process. He clarified that Serbia will not surrender or capitulate, and that he has made it clear that his country will not agree to Kosovo's entry into NATO or recognize Kosovo in any way.

Vucic acknowledged that Serbia is ready to make many compromises, but he believes that the Albanians are not. Despite this, he recognizes that Serbia must remain engaged in the negotiation process. Photo by Arbenllapashtica, Wikimedia commons.