

Eighty years after Belgium’s liberation and the end of World War II, a new comprehensive database has been launched to consolidate information on resistance activities in Belgium during the

war. This national resistance database is the product of a pilot project led by CegeSoma, an expertise center for 20th-century conflicts, in collaboration with the State Archives of Belgium.

The "Resistance in Belgium" platform provides public access to detailed records on resistance activities during World War II. While there have been numerous scientific and historical initiatives focused on the resistance, this platform is the first to offer all the information in one accessible online location. The project aligns with CegeSoma’s mission to promote historical understanding and its social responsibilities as a knowledge center on modern conflicts.

The database currently includes information on more than 42,000 individuals who were documented by state security services as part of the Intelligence and Action Services during the war. Over time, new data will be added, with plans to eventually include over 200,000 people, gathered from more than 350,000 individual files.

Accessible to the general public as well as researchers, the platform can be found at resistanceinbelgium.be. It complements CegeSoma’s thematic portal on World War II in Belgium, Belgium WWII, which is available atwww.belgiumwwii.be. Photo by US Army Center For Military History, Wikimedia commons.