

Uber drivers in Brussels have decided to extend their boycott into the following week after staging a mass disconnection last Friday, according to an announcement

from the CSC United Freelancers union on Saturday.

The ongoing protest aims to highlight poor working conditions and demand significant improvements from Uber. The boycott will take place during peak times: 7:00 to 10:00 and 17:00 to 19:00 on weekdays, and 21:00 to 03:00 on weekends. These time slots were strategically chosen to maximize the strike’s impact while still allowing users access to rides during lower-demand periods. The union is encouraging customers to support the strike by seeking alternative transport during the boycott hours.

Concerns Over New System

The first boycott was held on Friday between 08:00 and 12:00, with drivers voicing concerns over the recently introduced "TripRadar" system. They argue that this new feature creates unnecessary competition by assigning multiple drivers to a single trip, reducing their earnings, and allowing Uber to increase its commission.

In response, Uber reaffirmed its commitment to enhancing the app, noting that the updates aim to provide drivers with more trip opportunities and higher earning potential. While confirming the introduction of several app modifications based on driver feedback, Uber emphasized that they are not increasing the average platform commission, which remains at 25% in Brussels. The company also mentioned they are experimenting with variable commission rates but assured that the average remains unchanged. Photo by Timtempleton, Wikimedia commons.