


As Paris hosts the Olympics, the Polish Tourism Organization (POT) has launched a major advertising campaign in the French capital to attract tourists to Poland.

Under the slogan "Next Stop - Poland," over 200 billboards have been strategically placed across 40 key metro stations in Paris, including prominent locations such as Opéra, Montparnasse, Bastille, and Charles de Gaulle-Étoile, as well as major transportation hubs like Saint-Lazare and Gare du Nord.

Launched on July 19, the campaign features visuals that mimic metro station indicators, showcasing cities like Warsaw, Kraków, Gdańsk, Poznań, Wrocław, and other Polish destinations.

This initiative represents a significant effort by Poland to enhance its international image and promote easy, safe travel to the country. This push is particularly relevant in the post-pandemic era, where short and accessible vacations are increasingly sought after.

The campaign highlights each city as being just a two-hour flight from Paris, appealing to French tourists interested in short city breaks.

According to campaign data, among the 15 million visitors expected in Paris for the Games, nearly 12 million are anticipated to be domestic tourists, with a substantial portion of the remainder potentially interested in exploring Poland.

Tomasz Rudomino, POT's Paris representative, noted that the campaign aligns with French tourists' preferences, who typically enjoy air travel and are eager to explore cities, culture, history, and museums.

In addition to the metro advertisements, a parallel taxi campaign began on July 22, involving approximately 120 vehicles to further increase visibility among tourists and fans navigating the city’s restricted areas during the Games.

Rudomino described outdoor campaigns as a natural extension of the year-round online and social media efforts, emphasizing the strategic choice of busy metro corridors and transfer stations to maximize exposure.

The message POT aims to convey through these ads is a straightforward invitation: "If you're tired of Paris and the whirlwind of sports events, make your next stop Poland." Photo by Gerard Stańczak, Wikimedia commons.