


A woman was attacked by several wolves on Sunday at a French safari zoo after she mistakenly entered a restricted area intended for vehicle access only.

“Fortunately, the medical team intervened very quickly, and we were able to save her,” said Christelle Bercheny, the zoo’s CEO, during a press conference.

The incident occurred around 9:30 a.m. at the Thoiry Zoological Park in Yvelines, located about 50 kilometers (31 miles) west of Paris, according to French affiliate TF1.

After spending the night at the park, the 37-year-old woman went for a jog and inadvertently entered the safari zone. This area spans seven hectares and allows animals, including wolves and bears, to roam freely.

While running, the wolves attacked her, inflicting serious injuries and biting her on the neck, calf, and back, TF1 reported.

The woman was taken to the nearest hospital, where her condition has now stabilized.

The zoo has initiated an investigation into the incident. Photo by USFWS Endangered Species, Wikimedia commons.