


The European Investment Bank is to grant €200,000 through the EIB Institute to support some 500 families hit by the recent devastating floods in Slovenia. The catastrophe

which claimed lives, homes and livelihoods was the worst natural disaster to hit the country since 1991.

The donation is being made to the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth (Zveza Prijateljev Mladine Slovenije or SAFY), a non-governmental organisation working in the areas of social care, education, and advocacy.

The EIB contribution will help provide immediate as well as longer-term support such as preparation for the winter months and extra-curricular activities for children. It will be focused on people living in the Gorenjska and Štajerska regions, hit the hardest by the floods and landslides.

At the beginning of August, Slovenia received a month's worth of rain in 24 hours leading to devastating flash floods cutting off roads and bridges and swamping many buildings. At least six people have died, thousands have been forced to evacuate and the resulting damage is estimated at several EUR billion.  

The EIB Group donation will complement EU Commission support of €400 million from the EU Solidarity Fund, as well as from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

Speaking ahead of the signing Vice President Pavlova said, “The floods we have seen this summer have wreaked havoc on communities in Slovenia – with devastating consequences for families, their properties and their livelihoods. The European Investment Bank contribution of 200,000 euro we are making today through the Slovenian Association of Friends of the Youth (SAFY) will provide some immediate support for families hardest hit by the disaster and help them to face the coming winter.” 

She added, “In the days immediately after the disaster, President Hoyer made it clear to the Slovenian authorities that the EIB is ready to help in whatever way we can. I have taken the opportunity while here at the Bled Strategic Forum to reiterate that message of solidarity with the Slovenian authorities and the offer of support whether financial or advisory, where and when it is needed.”

Shiva Dustdar, Dean of the EIB Institute said, “The Institute is the philanthropic arm of the EIB Group. We contribute to helping men, women, and children impacted by disasters by channelling EIB donations where they can be used most efficiently. It vital that we work closely with organisations on the ground to ensure that our donations are well managed and help those who need it most. That’s why we are so happy to partner with Slovenian Association of Friends of the Youth (SAFY) in support of some of the communities in Slovenia that are most in need after these terrible floods and landslides.”

 Breda Krašna, the General Secretary of Slovenian Association of Friends of the Youth said,

 “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the European Investment Bank for their unwavering support during these challenging times. For over 70 years, the Slovenian Association of Friends of the Youth has stood as a beacon of trustworthiness, tirelessly advocating for a brighter future for our children and youth. In the face of the devastating floods in Slovenia, we swiftly rallied to aid those in need. Our efforts have already touched the lives of more than 75 struggling families. The funds we’ve received will play a pivotal role in continuing to assist these families, particularly the children and youth who are working hard to rebuild their lives and education. With your invaluable support, we’re forging a better tomorrow for the next generations and for the families impacted by the floods. Solidarity and support are truly invaluable, and we express our deep gratitude for your boundless generosity”. Photo by Paul Burani from New York, NY, Wikimedia commons.