


In the second quarter of 2024, prices for single-family homes in Switzerland increased by 0.6% compared to the previous quarter, according to Zurich consultancy firm Fahrländer Partner

Raumentwicklung (FPRE). Year-on-year, the increase was 4.7%, with the most significant rise in the high-end market segment (+5.5%) and the least in the mid-range segment (+3.8%).

In contrast, prices for owner-occupied flats in the lower and middle segments remained relatively stable, with a slight decrease of 2.2% in the upper market segment. Overall, year-on-year, the increase for flats was only 1.2%.

Regional differences were notable for mid-market condominiums. Prices rose the most around Zurich (+1.1%) and Geneva (+1.0%), while southern Switzerland saw a significant decrease (-4.1%). The Alpine region, Jura, and Basel experienced slight declines of 0.7% and 0.6%, respectively.

Due to high demand and low construction activity, FPRE expects residential property prices in Switzerland to continue rising in the medium term. This aligns with findings from the "SWX IAZI Private Real Estate Price Index," which reported a 1.1% rise in actual transaction prices for residential property in the second quarter and a 4.5% increase year-on-year.