



The Swiss Trade Union Federation announced on Friday that all workers who have completed an apprenticeship should earn at least CHF5,000 ($5,500) per month.

This demand was officially adopted by union delegates during an assembly meeting.

According to the federation, Switzerland benefits from a highly skilled workforce due to its robust professional training programs. However, the expectation of securing a good wage post-apprenticeship is often unmet. Statistics reveal that one in three individuals with an apprenticeship working full time earn less than CHF5,000 per month.

Wages are notably lower in professions dominated by female workers. Additionally, many with apprenticeship qualifications see only minimal salary increases throughout their careers, even with significant experience. Alarmingly, nearly a quarter of these professionals earn less than CHF5,000 monthly just before retirement.

Gender Wage Gap and Wage Development

To promote balanced wage development and narrow the wage gap, the federation calls for general wage increases and the elimination of inequitable bonus systems.

Support for the Cultural Sector

In another resolution, the union delegates urged parliament to oppose planned cuts in cultural promotion. They advocate for the support of salaries in the cultural sector through a robust national cultural policy and enhanced social protection for cultural workers.

The federation emphasizes the need to adhere to the salaries defined by collective work agreements (CCT) and follow recommended salaries and fees in the cultural sector. Currently, few artists in Switzerland earn the median national salary, with half of professional artists working on a temporary basis earning just CHF25,000 annually. Photo by MadGeographer, Wikimedia commons.