


A healthcare worker walks from a dark room into a brightly lit hallway, clad in a turquoise plastic coverall and face mask. In 2022, 25% of employed women and 21% of employed men in

Switzerland reported usually or always experiencing stress at work, according to Keystone / Gaetan Bally.

The Federal Statistical Office (FSO) has noted a 5% increase in work-related stress over the past decade. Their Swiss Health Survey, released on Thursday, revealed that the proportion of stressed employees rose from 18% in 2012 to 23% in 2022.

In detail, 25% of working women and 21% of working men reported frequent or constant stress at their jobs in 2022.

The healthcare and social services sector reported the highest levels of work-related stress, with 29% of respondents feeling stressed. Notably, a quarter of the women surveyed were employed in this sector.

Furthermore, the survey found that 47% of men and 43% of women in 2022 faced at least three out of ten possible physical risks at work. Photo by Phil Whitehouse, Wikimedia commons.