

The European Union has decided to extend its economic sanctions on Russia for another six months, with the new expiry date set for January 31, 2025. This decision was announced by the

Council of the European Union in response to Russia's ongoing destabilizing actions in Ukraine.

Originally introduced in 2014, these sanctions were significantly expanded in February 2022 following Russia's unprovoked and illegal military aggression against Ukraine. The sanctions now encompass a wide range of sectoral measures, including restrictions on trade, finance, technology, dual-use goods, industry, transport, and luxury items.

Key elements of the sanctions include:

- A ban on importing or transferring seaborne crude oil and certain petroleum products from Russia to the EU.

- A de-SWIFTing of several Russian banks.

- A suspension of broadcasting activities and licenses in the EU for various Kremlin-backed disinformation outlets.

Additional measures are in place to prevent circumvention of the sanctions, the European Council noted.

The Council emphasized that maintaining these sanctions is crucial as long as Russia continues to violate international law by using force in Ukraine. The EU has adopted 14 packages of sanctions since Russia’s full-scale invasion began on February 24, 2022.

Sanctions serve as a key tool for the EU to:

- Prevent conflicts and promote peace.

- Support democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

- Defend international law.

They are designed not as punitive measures but to target those responsible for actions the EU seeks to influence.

The European Council reaffirmed its strong support for Ukraine's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity and reiterated its commitment to providing ongoing political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military, and diplomatic aid to Ukraine.

The Council also condemned the recent escalation of hostilities by Russia, particularly the intensified attacks on civilians and critical infrastructure, especially within the energy sector.

As of Monday, the conflict in Ukraine marks its 880th day.