

A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive, commissioned by the youth collective "Pour un réveil écologique" (For an environmental awakening), reveals the attitudes of young people

aged 18 to 30 towards work and environmental concerns. The survey, conducted in June 2023 among a representative sample of 2,000 young French individuals, challenges stereotypes about this demographic.

Contrary to the common beliefs that young people in this age group are disengaged, the survey suggests that they share common priorities with the broader French society. These priorities include purchasing power, salaries, and environmental matters. Pierre-Hadrien Bartoli, the Director of Political Studies at Harris Interactive, emphasized that the aim was to demonstrate that ethical considerations and social responsibility are concerns for all young people, not just those who belong to the "jeunesse dorée" (gilded youth) category – which typically refers to graduates of prestigious universities from wealthy families.

The collective's findings assert that young individuals are eager to work in jobs that respect environmental values, highlighting their commitment to ethical issues. This sentiment is supported by an essay titled "Redonner du sens au travail" ("Restoring Meaning to Work"), written by economists Thomas Coutrot and Coralie Perez. The essay underscores that both blue-collar workers and managers can experience "feelings of uselessness and ethical conflicts," emphasizing that all social strata aspire to find meaning in their work. Photo by HarrisFR, Wikimedia commons., Wikimedia commons.