


On Thursday, several Belgian government websites experienced temporary inaccessibility in what appears to be a new pro-Russian cyber attack. The hacker group 'NoName' left indications

suggesting dissatisfaction with Belgium's support for Ukraine. The Centre for Cybersecurity (CCB) has confirmed that several government websites, including those of the Chamber of Representatives, the Senate, and the Belgian Monarchy, were targeted.

The CCB acknowledges effective information regarding the cyber attack and promptly notified the relevant services. Spokeswoman Katrien Eggers stated, "All in all, the disruption was limited."

The pro-Russian hacker group 'NoName' expressed its discontent with Belgium's public support for Ukraine on a certain platform. Their statement read, "The Belgian authorities, who do not care about the problems of their own citizens and forget about the crisis situation in their economy, have set up a fund to support Ukraine."

This incident follows a similar occurrence last month when several government websites experienced downtime due to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Photo by Santeri Viinamäki, Wikimedia commons.