

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has selected Iliana Ivanova as the new Bulgarian Commissioner responsible for innovation, research, culture, education, and youth.

This portfolio was previously held by Mariya Gabriel, who has now returned to Bulgarian politics.

Iliana Ivanova, a former Member of the European Parliament and a member of the European Court of Auditors, emerged as the chosen candidate over Daniel Lorer, a member of the Bulgarian parliament.

As the new Commissioner, Ivanova will be tasked with implementing the European Union's research and development program while striving to enhance the effectiveness of research spending and achieve tangible outcomes on the ground, as stated by von der Leyen.

This appointment reflects the European Commission's commitment to advancing innovation, research, and education in Bulgaria, aligning with the EU's overarching goals of fostering growth, fostering cultural exchange, and empowering young individuals.

Iliana Ivanova's wealth of experience and expertise in European affairs is expected to contribute significantly to the successful implementation of these vital initiatives. Photo by Petikeee, Wikimedia commons.