


The Mobility and Transport Authority (AMT) has issued a warning about the rise in irregularities involving taxi and TVDE (individual transport vehicle)

services at airports.

In a statement on its website, the AMT reports that it has received 23 complaints this year related to “alleged fraud in passenger transport by taxi.” These complaints primarily concern inflated fares, where drivers do not use the taximeter, resulting in much higher costs for passengers.

In comparison, the AMT received 23 similar complaints in 2022 and 28 complaints last year.

Additionally, the AMT has reported incidents of illegal customer solicitation at airports by alleged TVDE operators and drivers. These activities often involve direct contact with passengers to secure rides outside the regulated system.

The AMT notes that while it has taken steps to address these issues, the complaints and reports have also been forwarded to the relevant authorities, as they may constitute criminal activity.

“Despite continuous efforts by supervisory entities, such incidents are on the rise, significantly affecting service quality and passenger rights. The AMT criticizes these practices, highlighting the vulnerable position of tourists and other users unfamiliar with Portugal’s transport regulations,” the statement reads.

To combat these issues, the AMT recommends that ANA-Aeroportos de Portugal provide clear, appealing, and visible information at airports, especially in arrival areas. This information should include details on fares, timetables, and vehicle characteristics to educate passengers about taxi and TVDE services.

The AMT stresses that such measures will protect individuals arriving at international airports in Portugal, who are often targets for fraud.

Furthermore, the AMT urges associations of taxi and TVDE operators to raise awareness among their members about the importance of adhering to applicable rules and regulations. Photo by L.Willms, Wikimedia commons.